Constellations: Aquilla, Cygnus, Perseus
Asterisms: Teapot
Clusters: α Persii Cluster, Hyades / Melotte 25 
Stars: ο1 Cygni (all 3 components!)
Planet: Saturn
Messier Objects:
M8 (Lagoon Nebula), M20, M45 (Pleiades)
Identified, Not Observed: Cassiopeia, Summer Triangle, Ursa Major, Ursa Minor

Location: Sky Circle, Kejimkujik National Park
Date: 2017-09-25/26
Time: 8:30 PM - 1:30 AM ADT
Instrument: Visual + Binoculars (10x30 IS)
Transparency: Good (3)
Seeing: Good (3)
Temperature: 24º C - 14º C
Clear skies, no clouds. Little if any breeze. Some humidity but good seeing and transparency.

Time: 9:05 PM ADT
S&T Chart Reference: 64, 65, 66
Instrument: Visual
Located Altair then was able to identify all the remaining bright stars in the constellation.

Time: 9:30 PM ADT
Instrument: Visual + Binoculars
Located the planet naked eye as it was quite bright in the south sky. It was in Ophiuchus between 45 Phi and Sabik. The best way to explain where it was located was to draw an imaginary line from Alnasi (the spout of the Teapot) to Sabik; Saturn was located just below that line a little less than half the distance from Sabik.
M8 (Lagoon Nebula)
Time: 10:16 PM ADT
S&T Chart Reference: 67, 69, I
Instrument: Visual + Binoculars 
The Milky Way was a bit soft during the part of the evening as well - haze/ humidity? The Teapot was partially set behind the tree line but I could make out Kaus Borealis and Nunki. Using Kaus Borealis, I went westerly along the tree line and found the Lagoon Nebula. The line of 5 bright stars with the surrounding oval-shaped nebulosity was easily identified. 

M20 (Trifid Nebula)
Time: 10:16 PM ADT
S&T Chart Reference: 67, 69, I
Instrument: Visual + Binoculars
Using Kaus Borealis, I went westerly along the tree line and found M8 then 
looked a bit higher in the sky to find the Trifid. Saw three bright stars and numerous dimmer ones in a circular grey patch.

Perseus + α Perseii Cluster
Time: 11:05 PM ADT
S&T Chart Reference: 2, 13
Instrument: Visual + Binoculars
Again, Perseus rose high in the sky above the tree line. I focused my attention on Mirfak and the α Perseii Cluster. Tried to determine if there was a difference in Algol's brightness from the night before.
M45 (Pleiades)
Time: 11:20 PM ADT
S&T Chart Reference: 14, 15, A
Instrument: Visual + Binoculars
As Taurus rose higher, M45 became visible as well. Always a joy to see this bright jewel. Initially viewed visually, then with binoculars where the star field filled the FOV. 
Cygnus + Omicron (ο) Cygni
Time: 11:50 PM ADT
S&T Chart Reference: 62, 73, H
Instrument: Binoculars
Jerry and Dave assisted in finding it by explaining where it should be located. No trouble finding ο2 and ο1, the latter with 2 stars. My challenge was finding the third star. After 20 minutes or so on my back on the bench in the Sky Circle just staring at this part of the sky - SUCCESS! Finally saw all 3 stars of ο1 in Cygnus! My frustrations are at an end! Should attempt to find it again with my 15x70 binoculars and perhaps the telescope at home.

Hyades / Melotte 25
Time: 1:05 AM ADT
S&T Chart Reference: 15
Instrument: Visual + Binoculars
Noticed the open cluster below/near the Pleaides. Used the binoculars to look at the cluster, Aldebaran and briefly at the other stars in Taurus. Numerous stars were located around the "V" formation of Taurus. It was a very open cluster.

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