ScienceDownEast | ScienceDownEast Astrophotography | Archive | November 2023

Total matches for November 2023: 161

 M81 Bodes Galaxy
 Mars near opposition Oct. 5, 2020
18.3% Waxing Crescent Moon
21P Giacobini-Zinner Comet
27.9% Waxing Crescent Moon
31% Waning Crescent Moon
50.2% 1st Quarter Moon
81.4% Waxing Gibbous Moon
86.1% illumination
97% Waxing Gibbous Moon
Andromeda Galaxy M31
Antares and Scorpius
Buble Nebula NGC 7635
C/2022 E3 (ZTF)
California Nebula 1200 secs x10
Center of the Galaxy
Ceres Asteroid Annotated
Comet  C/2022 E3 ( ZTF) tweaked integration
Comet 46P Wirtanen
Comet 2022_E3
comet C2020 F3( NEOWISE) [out-of-focus]
Comet C2020 F3( NEOWISE) as it fades
Copernicus Crater
Crescent Nebula
Crescent Nebula (version 2)
Elephant Trunk Nebula IC 1396
Elephant Trunk Nebula IC 1396
Elephant Trunk Nebula IC 1396 on Oct 15, 2020
Flaming Star Nebula
Full Moon 2020-12-29_DSCN7092
Heart Nebula
Heart Nebula (19.75 hours)
Heart Nebula Reprocessed
Heart-Nebula (12.75 hrs)
Hercules Cluster M013
Horsehead and Flame Nebula 8x20min
Horsehead and Flame Nebula 15x20min
IC 405 Flaming Star + IC 410 Tadpole Nebulae
IC 405 Flaming Star + IC 410 Tadpole Nebulae Tweaked
IC 405 Flaming Star + IC 410 Tadpole Nebulae Tweaked version 2
IC 405 Flaming Star + IC 410 Tadpole Nebulae Tweaked version 3
IC 405 Flaming Star Nebula Cropped
IC 433 Jellyfish Nebula (3 hours exposure) from SCO
IC 1318 Gamma Cygni Nebula
IC 1318 Gamma Cygni Nebula
IC 1396 Elephant Trunk Nebula
IC 1396 Elephant Trunk Nebula
IC 1396 Elephant Trunk Nebula (82 x 20 min)
IC410_Tadpole_Nebula tweaked
IC6960 Western Veil Nebula
ISS (Zarya) flyover the Bay of Fundy in southwestern Nova Scotia with zodical light
Jellyfish_Nebula (4 hours exposure)
Jupiter 2022-11-29
Kejimkujik Lake Milky Way Reflection from Minard Island
Leo Triplet
Leo Triplet cropped
M8 Lagoon Nebula and M20 Trifid Nebula
M8 The Lagoon Nebula
M11 (the Wild Duck Cluster) and M26 in Scutum
M11 (the Wild Duck Cluster) and M26 in Scutum annotated
M13 5x20
M013 Hercules Cluster
M16 Eagle Nebula
M016 Eagle Nebula
M16 Eagle Nebula
M016 Eagle Nebula Starless
M17 Omega Nebula
M17 Omega Nebula (46 x 5 min)
M17 Omega Nebula (46 x 5 min) cropped
M17 Omega Nebula Annotated
M031 Andromeda Galaxy
M032 Andromeda Galaxy

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