ScienceDownEast | ScienceDownEast Astrophotography | Recent Images | NGC281 Reprocessed using BlurXTerminator

NGC281 Reprocessed using BlurXTerminator
The Pacman Nebula NGC 281 is a bright emission nebula and part of an H II region in the northern constellation of Cassiopeia and is part of the Milky Way's Perseus Spiral Arm about 9200 ly away. Edward Emerson Barnard discovered the nebula in August 1883, describing it as "a large faint nebula, very diffuse. This version of the image was processed using BlurXTerminator to add (invent?) more detail.

A total of 5 hours exposure.

Exposure 15@1200 sec
ISO 1600
Camera Nikon Z7 [5440x3616] in DX mode
Optics Skywatcher Esprit 120mm Refractor
Filter Radian Triad Ultra Quad-Band Narrowband Filter
Guiding Phd2 using a ZWO 224MC on an Orion 60x240mm Guide scope
Controller Images taken using Kstars on an Quieter3C
Scale 1.066 arcsec/pixel
Focuser Temperature -8.0 C
Location Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia.
Date 2023-01-11
PixInsight Processing
WeightedBatchPreprocessing Script
Dynamic Crop
Background Extractor

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