ScienceDownEast | ScienceDownEast Astrophotography | Messier Objects | M064 Black Eye Galaxy Cropped

M064 Black Eye Galaxy Cropped

M64 the Black Eye Galaxy (also called Sleeping Beauty Galaxy or Evil Eye Galaxy) is a relatively isolated spiral galaxy 17 million light-years away in the mildly northern constellation of Coma Berenices. It was discovered by Edward Pigott in March 1779, and independently by Johann Elert Bode in April of the same year, as well as by Charles Messier the next year. A dark band of absorbing dust partially in front of its bright nucleus gave rise to its nicknames of the "Black Eye", "Evil Eye", or "Sleeping Beauty" galaxy.

Note: click on the image to view it at the full resolution of the uploaded image, then click again for actual size.

Total image time was 7.16 hours.

Exposure 86x5 min.
ISO 3200
Camera Nikon Z7 [8856 x 5504]
Optics 120mm Skywatcher Esprit on a Celestron CGX mount
Guiding ZWO ASI224MC using Phd2
Controller Kstars on Odroid N2
Filter None
Location Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia.
Date 2021-05-17
Processing Processed in PixInsight.
Further processing in Lightroom

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