ScienceDownEast | ScienceDownEast Astrophotography | Messier Objects | M051 Whirlpool Galaxy

M051 Whirlpool Galaxy
M51 Whirlpool Galaxy as taken by the Burke-Gaffney Observatory Robot Planewave CDK24.
Exposure 10@60 sec sub frames for each of Red, Green, Blue and Luminance
Camera Planewave CDK24 [2048 x 2048]
Optics 3962 mm 610 mm Aperture.
Location St. Mary's University.
Date 2016-12-26
Processing After initial processing by the BGO robot, additional processing in PixInsight. The steps/tools followed were: LRGB Combination on the R,G,B, ScreenTransferFunction (for previewing), Dynamic Background Extraction, Background Neutralization, Colour Calibration, Dynamic Background Extraction (now on the luminance image), Histogram Transformation on both, HDR Multiscale (wavelet) Transformation, LRGB Combination on Lum and RGB, and finally SCNR (noise reduction) and tweaked in Lightroom.

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