ScienceDownEast | ScienceDownEast Astrophotography | Messier Objects | M010

M10_2020-04-20 Messier 10 or M10 (also designated NGC 6254) is a globular cluster of stars in the equatorial constellation of Ophiuchus. The object was discovered by the French astronomer Charles Messier on May 29, 1764, who cataloged it as number 10 in his catalogue and described it as a "nebula without stars".
Exposure 3*150 sec
ISO 3200
Camera Nikon Z7 [8856 x 5504]
Optics Skywatcher Esprit 120mm Refractor
Filter None
Location Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia.
Date 2020-04-20
Processing Processed in PixInsight and Lightroom.

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