ScienceDownEast | ScienceDownEast Astrophotography | Messier Objects | M013 Hercules Cluster

M013 Hercules Cluster
M13 Hercules Globular Cluster.
M13 was discovered by Edmond Halley in 1714, and cataloged by Charles Messier on June 1, 1764 into his list of objects not to mistake for comets.
6 min. total exposure
Exposure 12*30 sec
ISO 6400
Camera Nikon D800 [7360 x 4912]
Optics Prime focus of a 10" Meade SCT f/10, 2500 mm focal length on a Celestron CGEM DX mount/td>
Filter None
Location Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia.
Date 2018-08-30
Processing Processed in PixInsight and Lightroom.

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