Lunar Phase: Waxing Gibbous (96.0%)
Moonset: 3:36 AM Eastern Moonrise: 6:37 PM Eastern
Sunrise: 5:20 AM Eastern Sunset: 8:48 PM Eastern
Location: Friends’ home in Cornwall ON Date: 2017-07-06 Time: 10:38 PM - 10:50 PM EDT Temperature: 17° C Equipment: Visual + Binoculars 10x30 IS Magnification: x10 Transparency: very good (5) Seeing: very good (5) |
Clear cloudless night with no wind. Saturn could be seen below the Moon.
Clavius (shadowed but could see craters inside/beside it)
Eastern half of Grimaldi. Its eastern edge was well lit with crater floor in darkness. Maybe Hevelius above it (?)
Also identified Kepler, Schikard, Tycho
Aestuum, Medii, Rorus (next to Frigoris)