Location: SCO
Date: 2022-09-03
Time: 11:30 PM ADT
S&T Chart Reference: 62, 73
Instrument: 10" Meade SCT
Eyepieces: 2" Explore Scientific 12mm eyepiece with 90º FOV
Magnification: x208

Transparency: Very Good (4)
Seeing: Good (3)
SQM: not recorded
Temperature: 12º C

Cygnus was quite high in the sky at this time. Visually, I could see the Nebulosity of the Milky Way. Used the go-to to find Sadr (γ Cygni) then slewed S-SW to find the cluster. Took a while through a 25mm then the 15mm eyepiece to locate. Once located, I switched to the 2" eyepiece.

It's a very open cluster with very few stars. There was a rectangle of stars in the SW and a Dipper bucket-like set of 4 stars NE of it. Not sure if it was the transparency or whether there was in fact a faint star field in behind the cluster (Milky Way?).

Constellation:  Cygnus
Type: Open Cluster
Magnitude: 6.6
Distance: 4.0 kly
Size: 6.0'


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