Location: SCO
Date: 2024-05-30
Time: 12:04 AM ADT
S&T Chart Reference: 56, 58
Instrument: EXOSTAR 80ED
Eyepiece: SvBony 10mm-30mm eyepiece with star diagonal
Magnification: x60

Transparency: Very Good (4)
Seeing: Very Good (4)

It was very easy to slew from Antares to find this cluster. Not as dense as M3, i.e., no dense core. Had to use averted vision to sketch. Although no identifiable core, there were a few bright stars near the centre and southern portion of the cluster. However, I could sketch their exact location. There were three stars forming a triangle that I could not identify.

Constellation:  Scorpius
Type: Globular Cluster
Magnitude: 5.8
Distance: 7.2 kly
Size: 26.3'


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