Part of the North Polar Region, this crater and its surrounding area are more easily observed during favourable librations.

Location: 12.0 S 2.0 W    Origin: Impact     Size: 120 km   Rukl: 4     Type: Complex Crater (CC)

Objects: Goldschmidt, Anaxagoras, Archytas, W. Bond
Others Identified: Barrow, Birmingham, Challis & Math, Epigenes, Meton, Protagoras, Scoresby, Timaeus

Location: Home
Date: 2024-06-14
Time: 9:00 PM - 10:15 PM ADT
Equipment: 10” Meade SCT
Eyepiece: TeleVue Nagler 9mm Japan

Magnification: x278
Seeing: Fair (2)
Transparency: Good (3)
Temperature: 20° C
SQM: did not measure

R1: Goldschmidt: Goldschmidt's SE rim bordering with Barrow is quite high with an irregular surface, creating an interesting shadow on Goldschmidt's flat floor. A "valley" appeared on the wall Anaxagoras impacted, almost as if it were a double wall - the taller side created by the creation of Anaxagoras and the other of Goldschmidt's pushed in wall due to the impact. The floor was also just a shade darker near this wall. The crater had an irregular shape to its rim and was quite worn down in areas (especially in the south) where it appeared almost non-existent. Goldschmidt's floor appeared lower than that of Barrow and Anaxagoras. 

R2:  Anaxagoras: I'm sure that because of foreshortening, it appeared oval in shape. I also assumed the Moon was hit obliquely as the west wall appeared terraced and at a lesser slope (also very well illuminated) compared to the higher eastern side that impacted Goldschmidt. I could not determine if there was a central peak because of the deep shadow. 

C1: Valley Radial: Between Archytas and W. Bond was the valley radial to the Mare Imbrium impact. At first, I thought it was a shallow crater with a disintegrated southern wall but then in a couple moments of stable seeing saw the ridges parallel to the crater walls and the continuity of flow to Mare Frigoris. 

C2: Craters: There appeared to be a few small craters (saw shadows for 2) on the crater's southern floor. There was a sizeable crater in the west near Anaxagoras due to an impact on its floor or wall or a combination thereof. There were a couple of dark shadows on its southern rim that could be due to craters; not sure.

C3: Infilling: Smooth floor of this crater suggested infilling. Others also appeared to have this - Meton, W. Bond, the crater-like area between Barrow and W. Bond, and a couple of unnamed craters between W. Bond and C. Myers.

Barrow's floor seemed to be darker through the middle than on the north and south sides.

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