Comet: Comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE)
47 Uma (Chalawan), 49 Uma, 51 Uma, ω UMa
HR Stars: 4264, 4285
HD Stars: 94425, 94792, 95296

Location: Home
Date: 2020-07-24
Time: 10:09 PM ADT

Equipment: Visual, Binoculars 10x42 IS
Seeing: not recorded
Transparency: not recorded
SQM: not recorded
Temperature: 20° C (at 10:27 PM ADT)

Partly cloudy and warm night. The comet was barely visible with averted vision above a curve of stars formed by 47 Uma (Chalawan), 49 Uma, 51 Uma, ω UMa, and HR 4264. The tail was greatly reduced in apparent size, perhaps only 2° - 3° in length. It was easily found and seen in 10x42 binoculars by both Jerry and me.

Comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) in Ursa Major  

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