Location: Home
Date: 2022-09-03
Time: 10:45 PM ADT
S&T Chart Reference: 1, 2
Instrument: 10" Meade SCT
Eyepieces: Antares 15mm Plössl, 2" Explore Scientific 12mm 92° FOV
Magnification: x167
Temperature: 12° C
SQM: 19.61
Transparency: Good (3)
Seeing: Fair (4)

Using the 15mm eyepiece, M103 appeared as a very open cluster. The brightest stars were in an easily sketched arrangement. Unlike many clusters, there were no background faint stars, but there was a haziness surrounding the centre stars.

At Jerry's suggestion, I switched to the 2" eyepiece. The stars just popped out with the clarity this eyepiece afforded. I used this eyepiece for the sketch.

Constellation:  Cassiopeia
Type: Open Cluster
Magnitude: 7.4
Distance: 8.5 kly
Size: 6.0'


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