Location: Home
Date: 2022-09-03
Time: 11:17 PM ADT
S&T Chart Reference: 64
Instrument: 10" Meade SCT
Eyepiece: 2" Explore Scientific 12mm 90° FOV
Magnification: x208
Temperature: 12° C
SQM: 19.61
Transparency: Good (3)
Seeing: Fair (4)

Cygnus was thankfully high in the sky is used Albireo as the point to star hop almost due south to Sagitta. 

What stood out was the rectangular shape in the lower FOV and the 2 lines of stars running parallel in this cluster. Many stars were visible in the cluster (I sketched only the brightest) and a hazier/brighter genre of pole strs was observed.

Constellation:  Sagitta
Type: Globular Cluster
Magnitude: 8.0
Distance: 12.7 kly
Size: 7.2'


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