Location: St. Croix Observatory (SCO)
Date: 2024-09-29
Time: 9:28 PM ADT
S&T Chart Reference: 66, 69
Instrument: 10" Meade SCT
Eyepiece: SvBony 10-30mm Zoom (I used 30 mm)
Magnification: x83
Seeing: Excellent (1)
Transparency: Very Good (2)
SQM: 21.14
Temperature: 10º C

Jerry helped me realign the scope, hoping it would track better. It did.

Skies were perfectly clear when we arrived, clouded for a brief period, and then located M69 when it cleared.

I used Kaus Australis (star in the base of the Teapot asterism) from which to slew and find this object. The cluster had a bright core and was just slightly less bright away from the core. It was not very big. There was enough time to sketch this small cluster and its nearest bright star (HD 170500) before clouds once more intervened and prevented any further sketching.

Constellation:  Sagittarius
Type: Globular Cluster
Magnitude: 7.6
Distance: 28.0 kly
Size: 7.1'


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