Interesting mare areas that lie on the eastern limb.
Origin: Impact and Volcanic Size: 360 km Rukl: 38, 27 Type: Basin - Mare
Objects: Mare Marginus
Others Identified: Apollonius, Condorset, Firmicus, Mare Arguis, Mare Spumans, Mare Undarum, Neper
Date: 2019-03-20
Location: Home
Time: 9:50 PM ADT
Equipment: 6” Sky-Watcher Dobsonian
Eyepiece: Antares Plössl 15 mm
Magnification: x80
Seeing: Very good (4)
Transparency: Very good (4)
SQM: 18.17
Temp: 1º C
No wind. Full Moon at 99.% illumination. Very bright.
C1: The shadow/mare floor looked to form an "N" on the Moon's surface. Could not discern any specific craters in the mare.