Named for British naval captain and explorer James Cook (1728-1779) who spent 4 winters (1758-1762) in Halifax, NS, preparing charts and sailing directions for eastern Canadian Seaways, 5 years (1763-1767) carrying out the first accurate coastal survey of Newfoundland, and he established the location of the Coast of British Columbia (in 1778).

Flooded crater in western Mare Fecunditatis near Colombo.

Diameter: 47 km   Rukl: 59

Objects: Cook
Others Identified: Colombo, Colombo A, Goclenius, Magelhaens, Monge, Santbech

Location: Next door to Home
Date: 2020-08-22
Time: 10:14 PM ADT
Equipment: 6” Sky-Watcher Dobsonian
Eyepiece: Meade Super Plössl 9.7mm

Magnification: x123
Seeing: Good (3)
Transparency: Good (3)
SQM: 19.42
Temperature: 16º C

No clouds, light breeze. Transparency created a small bit of distortion. Overall good viewing from our next door neighbour's yard - they have no trees! 

Cook was a low-rimmed crater. There was a small crater on its south rim and ridges to the NW. The NE and East rim seemed more shallow than the western rim.


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