Unique and currently uncharacterized local "swirl" of lighter material on the floor of Oceanus Procellarum and an area with a stronger than usual magnetic field. The crater, named for famous astronomer Galileo Galilei, is located to the southwest of Reiner Gamma.

Origin: Unknown   Diameter: n/a   Rukl: 28    Type: Albedo and Crater

Objects: Reiner Gamma, Galilaei, Planitia Descensus, Luna 8 landing site, Luna 9 landing site, Cavalerius, Hevelius
Others: Reiner

Location: Home
Date: 2021-05-24
Time: 9:58 PM - 11:28 PM ADT
Equipment: 10" Meade SCT
Eyepiece: Explore Scientific 4.7mm eyepiece with 2x Barlow

Magnification: x1000
Seeing: Very Good (4)
Transparency: Good (3)

RI: Reiner Gamma is very white on dark mare floor.
R2: Galilaei is oval looking and small. Bright west wall due to terracing/slumping (?).
R3: Planitia Descensus
has a north ridge that's beside a dark lava area, the latter of which appears to be flat.
The Luna 8 landing site is approximately half way between Galilaei and Planitia Descensus in what appears to be a relatively flat, crater-free area.

C1: Sketch of Reiner Gamma is below.


Note: The craters Cavalerius and Hevelius are west of the Luna 8 landing site. 



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