Pre-Nectarian Era crater with subtle variations on its floor. Crater Schickard contains bright spots of high albedo and several secondary craters. Lacus Excelentiae, the "Lake of Excellence", lies near Schickard.

Origin: Impact & Volcanic   Diameter: 227 km, 150 km   
62    Type: CC & Lacus

Objects: Clausius, Drebbel, Inghirami, Lacus Excellentiae, Lee, Schickard, Vitello

Location: Home
Date: 2019-03-18
Time: 7:55 PM AST
Equipment: 6” Sky-Watcher Dobsonian
Eyepiece:: Meade Super Plössl 9.7mm with x2 Barlow

Magnification: x240 
Seeing: Very Good (2)
Transparency: Very Good (2)


RI: Located Schickard and identified at least 3 craters in the SW floor of the oblong crater.
R2: Found the Lacus Excellentiae between Schickard and Mare Humorum. The Lacus looked darker and was certainly bordered by numerous small craters.
R3: Clausius is on the W side of the Lacus Excellentiae.
R4: Lehman
appeared to "drain" into Shickard. Maybe just dark(?)

C1: The crater Lee's sides are greatly eroded, especially those facing Mare Humorum. Vitello has what appears to be a large peak just off-centre on the E side, and has either a shadow or opening towards Mare Humorum.

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