Isolated mountain groups that may be the remnants of the southwestern border of Mare Imbrium.
Origin: Impact Diameter: 90 sq. km Rukl: 19 Type: Mount
Objects: Montes Harbinger, Prinz
Location: Home
Date: 2021-04-24
Time: 11:09 PM ADT
Equipment: 10" Meade SCT
Eyepiece: Explore Scientific 4.7mm eyepiece
Magnification: x530
SQM: 18.7
Temperature: 7° C
Seeing: Good (3)
Transparency: Good (3)
RI: Montes Harbinger has 3 main peaks very easily identified. 4 minor peaks (2 north of the pair and 2 south of it). Appears to be located in the ejecta from Aristarchus.
C1: S-SW wall is not existent in Prinz. The horseshoe-shaped centre perhaps filled by lava flow and/or ejecta.