IWLOP #100 - Bullialdus

An exceptional Eratosthenian Era crater.

Location: 20.7 S 22.2 W    Origin: Impact     Size: 61 km     Rukl: 53     Type: Complex Crater (CC)

Objects: Bullialdus, Bullialdus A & B, König
Others Identified: Blancanus, Rutherford, Porter, Scheiner

Observation 1:
Location: Home
Date: 2018-08-20
Time: 9:30 PM ADT
Temperature: 14° C, no wind or clouds
Equipment: 6” Dobsonian
Eyepiece: 10mm
Magnification: x120
Seeing: Very Good (4)
Transparency: Good (3)

R1: The ejects blanket of Bullialdus is mostly to the SE, extending out to A and B.
R2: Bullialdus A and B are located in the ejecta to the SE. König looked to have a darkened valley through it running NE to SW.


Observation 2:
Location: Home
Date: 2021-06-21
Time: 12:15 AM ADT
Temperature: 17° C
SQM: 18.86
Equipment: 10” Meade SCT
Eyepiece: Explore Scientific 4.7mm with 82° FOV
Magnification: x530
Seeing: Excellent (5)
Transparency: Very Good (4)

Saw this again when observing Kies and Mercator (IWLOP #101 - Kies, Mercator & Campanus). Walls were very terraced and had at least 2 central peaks. Rim is not rounded completely; perhaps the rim has collapsed partially in some sections (?). The north rim didn't look as defined as the others; not sure if due to crater formation or the lighting on the Moon.



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