IWLOP #086 - Tycho

One of the youngest craters on the Moon, Tycho is inconspicuous during most of the lunar day, but comes into its own at the Full Moon where its rays can be traced over much of the lunar surface. The Tycho impact may have occurred as recently as 100 million years ago!

Location: 43.3 S 11.2 W    Origin: Impact     Size: 85 km     Rukl: 64     Type: Complex Crater (CC)

Objects: Tycho, Street, Pictet, Surveyor 7 landing, Sassiredes
Identified: Orontius, Saussure

Love this crater's show of ejecta on the Full Moon! Makes the Moon's surface look like a peeled orange!

Location: Home
Date: 2019-03-18
Time: 9:30 PM ADT
Equipment: 6" Dobsonian
Eyepiece: 10mm

Magnification: x120
Seeing: Very Good (4) 
Transparency: Very Good (4) 

R1:  Tycho had a very prominent central peak, steep walls and darker ejecta in the north and northwest. Street and Pictet are two craters that form part of what I term the "flower petals" surrounding Tycho.

C1: Surveyor 7 landed a short distance north of Tycho's rim. Not exactly a smooth-looking surface in large quantities for the lander's landing. Sasserides, Saussure and Orontius were identified. There were numerous small unnamed craters as well.

Note: Under certain light, Tycho looks like a flower centre with several small flower petal encircling it. Loe this crater's show of ejecta on the full Moon!


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