IWLOP #085 - Plato
Spectacular dark-floored crater at the margin of Mare Imbrium and south of Mare Frigoris. It is older than Mare Imbrium. Plato's dark floor is basin-like and visible whenever it is in sunlight.
Location: 48.0 N 9.3 W Origin: Impact and Volcanic Size: 101 km Rukl: 3 Type: Complex Crater (CC)
Objects: Plato, Fontonelle, Philolaus
Others Identified: Anaximenes, Anaximander, Carpenter, J. Herschel, Mons Pico, Montes Teneriffe
Observation 1: R1: Plato has a very dark and smooth floor. Oval shaped. C1: Plato's floor is darker than that of Mare Imbrium.
Observation 2: R2: Fontonelle and Philolaus located. Couldn't see them last week; probably a more favourable libration this evening. C3: I tried to view the 5 craters on Plato's floor; located one (refer to the sketch). I don't have a large aperture scope to view them but did try a couple of eyepieces to see these craters. No success in viewing the other 4. |