IWLOP #080 - Moretus & South Polar Region

Moretus dominates this jumbled terrain. It's an impressive Eratosthenian Era crater located in the southern region. Gigantic South Polar Basin is just beyond this on the far side of the Moon.

Location: 70.6 S 5.5 W    Origin: Impact     Size: 114 km     Rukl: 73     Type: Complex Crater (CC)

Objects: Moretus, Cysatus, Gruemberger, Curtius, Zach, Pentland, Simpelius, Short, Newton

Location: Home
Date: 2021-03-23
Time: 10:59 PM ADT
Equipment: 10" Meade SCT
Eyepiece: Explore Scientific 4.7mm with 82° FOV

Magnification: x530
Seeing: Excellent (5)
Transparency: Excellent (5)
Temperature: 4° C
SQM: 18.58

R1: Moretus is located SE of Clavius and has an oval shape. It's floor appears smooth except in its southern areas.
R2: Deep terraced walls easily identified. East walls seem steeper than those in the west. Central peak appears quite steep and is almost V-shaped. The joined Cysatus and Gruemberger are NW of Moretus; Cysatus appears to have impacted Gruemberger obliquely.

C1: All 6 craters were located. Short is south, much smaller and shallower. Newton's east side was largely in shadow and the crater may be deeper than is Short. Curtius, Zach and Pentland form a triangle to the NE. Simpelius in the east has a central peak. None of the craters appear as deep as Moretus.



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