IWLOP #078 - Archimedes & Montes Archimedes
Crater Archimedes is an impact structure that was flooded from the interior by Imbrian Age lava. Montes Archimedes is a notable mountainous area just south of Archimedes.
Location: 26.0 N 5.0 W Origin: Impact Size: 140 km Rukl: 22 Type: Flooded crater and basin remnant.
Objects: Archimedes, Montes Archimedes
Others Identified: Beer, Bancroft
Location: Home
Date: 2019-03-14
Time: 8:10 PM ADT
Equipment: 6" Skywatcher Dobsonian
Eyepiece: Super 25mm wide angle long eye relief + x2 Barlow
Magnification: x96
Seeing: Good (3)
Transparency: Good (3)
Clear night with no wind.
R1: The floor of Archimedes was flat; there was an opening in the NE wall.
R2: Montes Archimedes looked like 2 tails of a kite curving slightly from the NE to the SW; light colour compared to the floor of Imbrium and Archimedes.