IWLOP #035 – Jansen
Jansen is a low, mare-flooded crater. It dates from the Pre-Nectarian Era.
Location: 13.5 N 28.7 E Origin: Impact and Volcanic Size: 23 km Rukl: 36 Type: Complex Crater (CC)
Objects: Jansen, Jansen Y, Sinas, Maskelyne, Dorsa Barlow
Others Identified: Beketov, Cajal, Carrel
This session was conducted as part of the lunar observing session - Lunar Session - April 15, 2021
Observation 1: R1: Jansen is a very shallow crater with a floor much darker than the surrounding area. C1: The small crater Jansen Y could not be seen. |
Observation 2: C1: The small crater Jansen Y was seen on the crater floor. |