IWLOP #024 – Atlas & Hercules

Two prominent craters that share the same region. There is some debate about the age of Atlas but it is probably Upper Imbrium while Hercules is Eratosthenian.

Location: 46.7 N 44.4 E     Origin: Impact      Size: 69 km      Rukl: 15, 14     Type: Complex Crater (CC)

Objects: Hercules, Atlas

Location: Home
Date: 2020-05-25
Time: 10:30 PM ADT
Equipment: 6" Dobsonian
Eyepiece: Meade Super Plössl 9.7mm +x2 Barlow

Magnification: x248
Seeing: Good (3) 
Transparency: Good (3) 

R1: Both Atlas and Hercules appear oval. Atlas is much shallower than Hercules, perhaps due to the infilling as suggested in the IWLOP notes.
R2: Atlas has terraced walls, especially in the southern area where it almost appears to flatten as it approaches the floor.

C1: Hercules G was found in the brighter southern Hercules floor.
C2: Hercules walls were high with multiple terraces. The SE of the crater floor was noticeably darker than the rest of the floor.
C3: Multiple central hills in Atlas could be seen quite well. Could see a hint of 3 of the 5 of the south rilles. A portion of the north crater floor appeared darker. Southern wall may be more terraced than the northern portions.

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