IWLOP #023 – Montes Pyrenaeus
Near the crater Bohnenberger (33 km), Montes Pyranaeus appears as a ridge forming part of an inner ring of the Mare Nectaris.
Location: 14.0 S 41.0 E Origin: Impact Size: 250 km Rukl: 48, 47, 58 Type: Mount
Objects: Montes Pyrenaeus, Bohnenberger, Gutenburg
Others Identified: Bellot, Colombo, Cook, Gaudibert, Magehaens, Mange, Santbech
Location: Home
Date: 2021-05-16
Time: 9:50 PM ADT
Equipment: 10" Meade SCT
Eyepiece: Explore Scientific 4.7mm with 82° FOV + x2 Barlow
Magnification: x1060
Seeing: Very Good (4)
Transparency: Excellent (5)
R1: Bohnenberger was on the west side of Montes Pyranaeus; small craters to the north and south. A north crater and Bohnenberger appear to form the exterior walls of a valley. Half way up , there is an east-west break the mountain range. There's a jagged ridge on the the N side of the valley - both sides of the valley, actually. The valley looks to be crossed with 2 ridges.
The Montes Pyrenaeus appears short with interruptions, but its western edge appears to be continuous from Bognenberger to Gutenberg.