Small bay, noticeably darker than the bay to the west.
Origin: Volcanic Size: 160 km Rukl: 37 Type: Bay
Objects: Sinus Concordiae, Palus Somni
Others Identified: Cauchy
Location: Home
Date: 2024-09-17
Time: 10:06 PM ADT
Equipment: 10” Meade SCT
Eyepiece: 2" Explore Scientific 12mm (92° FOV)
Magnification: x208
Seeing: Fair (4)
Transparency: Fair (4)
Temperature: 17° C
SQM: did not measure
It was a beautiful September night. We were observing the partial lunar eclipse from our backyard. No wind or flies, but smoke interfered with the seeing from time to time.
R1: Sinus Concordiae: This was viewed 1.5 hours before full Supermoon. The Sinus had a narrowed end, bordered by Palus Somni in the north and a mountainous area to its south. Several little bays on the north shore jutted into Palus Somni.