IWLOP #013c – Western Mare Fecunditatis

A mare consisting of two contiguous, nearly round areas of dark Basaltic lavas. The northern part is three times larger than the southern and exhibits a number of dorsa. These lavas probably overlie an impact basin of pre-Nectarian age. Mare Fecunditatis covers 20 degrees of the lunar surface and may require various terminator angles for optimum views of all the features listed below. 

Location: 4.0 S 42-62 E     Origin: Impact and Volcanism      Size: 990 km.      Rukl: 48, 59      Type: Basin

Objects: Lubbock, Goclenius, Colombo, Gutenburg
Others Identified: Colombo A, Gutenburg A, C, D, E, J, Montes Pyrenaeus

Observation 1:
Location: Home

Date: 2020-08-22
Time: 9:54 PM ADT
Equipment: 6" Dobsonian
Eyepiece: Super 25mm Wide Angle long eye relief + x3 Barlow

Magnification: x144
Transparency: Good (3)
Seeing: Good (3)

R2:  Goclenius appeared pear-shaped with the NE crater wall non-existent. Colombo and Colombo A also viewed with Gutenburg. Gutenburg E looked to be created by an impact that obliterated that portion of the Gutenburg's east wall. Gutenburg A impacted the outer west rim of the crater. Gutenburg C's impact obliterated the southern rim and created ejected to its south as well.

NOTE: Lighting and magnification not sufficient to complete this objective.

Observation 2:
Location: Home
Date: 2021-05-17
Time: 9:54 PM ADT
Equipment: 10" Meade SCT
Eyepiece: Explore Scientific 4.7mm with 82° FOV + x2 Barlow
Magnification: x1060
Transparency: Excellent (5)
Seeing: Very Good (4)

R1: Lubbock located in the triangular-shaped highlands. Appeared flat, virtually no rim

C1: There were 10 ghost craters that could be seen in the immediate area of the mare floor east of Goclenius.
C2: Could not identify the rilles and clefts in the two craters at this time.


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