IWLOP #010 – Snellius & Vallis Snellius

Impact feature associated with Mare Nectaris, likely caused by ejecta plowing out a valley.

Location: 29.3 S 55.7 E     Origin: Impact      Size: Snellius=83 Vallis Snellius=500 km.      Rukl: 59 (69)      Type: Complex Crater (CC)

Objects: Snellius, Vallis Snellius, Borda, Santbech
Others Identified: Stevinus

This session was conducted as part of the lunar observing session - Lunar Session - April 15, 2021.

Observation 1:
Location: Home
Date: 2021-04-15
Time: 8:30 PM ADT
Equipment: 10" Meade SCT
Explore Scientific 4.7mm with 82° FOV
Magnification: x530
Transparency: Good (3)
Seeing: Very Good (4)

R1: The walls of Snellius are not visibly terraced. South rim looks degraded.
R2: Vallis Snellius appears as a small flat area near Borda and then appears as a line of irregular shapes, some being craters as it passes between Snellius and Stevinus. Vallis Snellius does not appear as deep as the craters on either side, and is similar in appearance to Vallis Rheita.

C1: Vallis Snellius has a rib cage appearance, perhaps indicating several overlapping craters (refer to sketch).

Observation 2:
Location: Home
Date: 2021-05-16
Time: 9:52 PM ADT

C2: Santbech is south of Montes Pyranaeus (refer to sketch). It is circular with a central peak, and an indent or crater on its south wall. Crater D is on its eastern rim and H is just outside its western rim. 

Sketched April 15/21
Sketched May 16/21


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