IWLOP #004 – Vendelinus
Large, eroded pre-Nectarian crater located near the eastern limb of the Moon. This area can be seen during the waxing crescent phase or the waning gibbous phase, after Full Moon.
Location: 16.3 S 61.8 E Origin: Impact Size: 147 km. Rukl: 60, 49 Type: Complex Crater (CC)
Objects: Vendelinus, Lamé, Holden, Lohnes
Others Identified: Vendelinus E, F, H, l, Y
Moon Phase: 1st Observation (5.7% illumination)
Moon Phase: 2nd Observation (68.8% illumination)
Observation 1: R1: The northern wall of Vendelinus is worn down. Lava flow perhaps (?). |
Observation 2:
Location: Home
Date: 2021-04-15
Other details not noted
R2: The crater chain in Lamé is visible as shadows in a row along the eastern crater wall that appears to extend beyond Lamé's wall to continue southward and east of Vendelinus.