Planets: Jupiter (in Libra)
Stars: Mizar A, Mizar B, Alcor, GAIA 1565097112139144832, TYC3853-0175-1, TYC3853-0228-1
Messier Object: M7 (Ptolemy's Cluster, M8 (Lagoon Nebula), M13 (Hercules Cluster), M31 (Andromeda Galaxy)
Failed to Find: Sagitta
Location: SCO
Date: 2018-09-08/09
Time: 8:00 PM - 12:10 AM ADT
Equipment: Visual + 10" Meade SCT with 10 mm & 30 mm eyepieces + Binoculars, 10x42 IS
Magnification: x120
Transparency: Very Good (4)
Seeing: Excellent (5)
Temperature: 12º C - 10º C
SQM: 20.79 - 21.19
Light breeze. Occasional cloud in various parts of the sky all evening. Very loud crickets this evening. Peter & Ilias Hurley, Jerry Black, and several others were there.
Jupiter (in Libra) I could not locate all 4 moons. Could only locate 1 this evening that I assumed was Callisto. |
M7 (Ptolemy's Cluster) I specifically sought this out as I hadn't observed it in a while. Visually, could make out a grouping of stars lower to the west of the Teapot. The large open cluster filled my FOV with numerous stars clearly visible. |
Stars of Ursa Major I was showing Ilias and Peter the night sky later in the evening. Using my telescope, we first viewed the optical double Mizar and Alcor in Ursa Major. Used the handle of the Big Dipper to locate Mizar then enjoyed the view in the eyepiece. Mizar A was larger and brighter than Mizar B. Alcor was easily seen below Mizar in the telescope view. A triangle was formed by Mizar-Alcor-HD116789. A line of stars to the side of this triangle were identified:
M8 (Lagoon Nebula) I showed Ilias and Peter two views of the Lagoon Nebula: a) Binoculars: Used Kaus Australis and the Teapot spout to locate it. Saw M8 as an oblong nebulosity with a line of 4-5 bright stars with a couple more above it b) Telescope: Jerry showed us through the telescope. We could then see two parts to the object - a small nebulosity with a line of stars plus the adjacent denser nebulosity with numerous stars. Such a difference from the binocular view. |
M13 (Hercules Globular Cluster) I showed them the Keystone of Hercules almost directly overhead, then showed them how to find it 1/3 of the way between η Herculis and ζ Herculis. Success! They found the small grey fuzzy. |
M31 (Andromeda Galaxy)
Time: 11:15 PM ADT
Equipment: Visual + Binoculars + Telescope with 30 mm eyepiece
Magnification: binoculars x10, telescope x83
S&T Chart Reference: 3, 72
I explained how to find it using Cassiopeia and by using the Square of Pegasus/Andromeda. Could see it visually and then a much better view through binoculars. Jerry then showed us the view through the telescope where the bright centre of the oval galaxy was observed.