Constellations: Auriga, Canis Minor, Leo, Orion, Taurus
Asterisms: Teapot, Winter Circle, Winter Triangle
Clusters: Hyades / Melotte 25, NGC 1981
Stars: Aldebaran, Castor, Pollux, Sirius
Planet: Venus
Zodiacal Light
Located, Not Observed:
Capella, M42/Orion Nebula/NGC 1976, M43/NGC 1982, NGC 1981

Location: Slapfoot Beach (morning) + Sky Circle (evening), Kejimkujik National Park
Date: 2017-09-25
Sunrise: 7:11 AM ADT
Time: 5:05 AM - 5:45 AM ADT +  9:15 PM ADT
Instrument: Visual + Binoculars (10x30 IS)
Transparency: Very Good (4)
Seeing: Very Good (4)
Very clear skies over the eastern horizon. Cool breeze. Clouds appeared later. I had forgotten my binoculars back at the campsite so this morning was a naked eye only session.

Zodiacal Light
Time: 5:10 AM - 5:40 AM ADT
Instrument: Visual
The white triangular shape rose out of the eastern skyline above the trees. The rising Venus (1º - 2º above the tree line horizon) served almost as a centre point to the base. The 'point' went up quite far past Leo, to Libra and the Beehive (M44) and perhaps even lighting up an edge of Gemini.

Sirius (in Canis Major)
Time: 5:10 AM ADT
Instrument: Visual
S&T Chart Reference: 27
Sirius was easily identified as part of the Winter Circle asterism. I didn't look for the other stars in Canis Major at this time.

Kejimkujik National Park Zodiacal Light and Orion from Slapfoot Beach 
©Jerry Black. Nikon D800, ISO 4000, 30.0 sec @ f/2.8

Orion, M42 (Orion Nebula/NGC 1976) + NGC 1981 + M43 (NGC 1982)

Time: 5:25 AM ADT
Instrument: Visual + Binoculars
S&T Chart Reference: 14, 16, B
This observations was in concert with observing the Winter Circcle and the Zodiacal Light. Betelgeuse, Bellatrix, Rigel, and Saiph. Also made out the upper 2 stars in the belt and their fuzziness/nebulosity. Upon closer examination of the sword, I could identify NGC 1981 (just above M42), M42, & M43. M42 and M443 were seen as a single unit a little bigger than NGC 1981 above it. No single stars were evidenced at this sighting.

Winter Circle + Winter Triangle
Time: 5:23 AM + 5:34 AM ADT
Instrument: Visual
Forgot my binoculars!! This was the morning that Jerry and I watched Venus rise above the horizon with the appearance of the Zodiacal Light (ZL).

To my surprise, the first thing seen in the early morning was the Winter Circle. Capella and Aldebaran were the highest stars of the Circle. Orion's stars in the belt and sword were so easily seen naked eye. Some of Auriga was also seen.

My second surprise was Procyon and Gomeisha were easily seen - the one constellation that to this date had escaped me seeing both stars. Sirius, Pollux and Castor were also identified. NOTE: The stars Procyon, Betelgeuse and Sirius comprise the Winter Triangle.

At the later time, the Hyades/Melotte 25 was seen naked eye. 

Canis Minor
Time: 5:23 AM ADT
Instrument: Visual
S&T Chart Reference: 25
Procyon was located as one of the primary stars in the Winter Circle. I then saw Gomeisa (β). Because of the tilt of the Circle at this time of year, Gomeisa was almost directly above Procyon and as easily seen naked yet. Finally saw Gomeisa! 
Castor & Pollux (in Gemini)
Time: 5:23 AM ADT
Instrument: Visual
S&T Chart Reference: 23, 25
Winter circle was very high in the sky so Castor and Pollux were very easily found. Didn't look for the other stars in this constellation.
Time: 5:30 AM ADT
Instrument: Visual
S&T Chart Reference: 12
Recognized Capella first as part of the Winter Circle and Winter Triangle high in the sky. Then noticed the characteristic pentagon of the constellation. DIdn't see nor search for δ Auriga.
Time: 5:30 AM ADT
Instrument: Visual
S&T Chart Reference: 25
Very readily identified the backwards question mark just above the tree horizon - Regulus, η, Algieba (γ), Adhafera and Rasalas. Didn't search for κ or λ. Leo's hind end (Denebola) was below the treeline but Zooms and Chertan were just peeking above the trees. I looked for but could not find ι or σ.

Taurus & Hyades/Melotte 25
Time: 5:35 AM ADT
Instrument: Visual
S&T Chart Reference: 14, 15, A
I did see Aldebaran, ζ and Elnath naked eye. Buried in the Hyades were ε and γ. Very high in the sky (~ 55º - 60º) and very visible as part of the Winter Circle and Triangle.

Time: 5:35 AM ADT
Instrument: Visual
Venus rose above the tree line, very bright! We watched as it rose higher in the morning sky, until it was about 1º - 2º above the trees. Couldn't miss it!

Time: 5:35 AM ADT
Instrument: Visual
Began near Aldebaran and the Hyades then continued Easterly towards Venus.

Teapot (in Sagittarius)
Time: 9:15 PM ADT
Instrument: Visual
S&T Chart Reference: 66, 67, 68, 69, I
The Teapot was seen above the trees of the Sky Circle. All 8 stars were located. 

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