Constellation: Gemini, Leo
Messier Objects: M44
Castor A, Castor B, Pollux

Identified & Not entered into Logbook or database:
Constellations: Auriga, Cassiopeia, Corvus, Crater
Asterisms: Big Dipper, Winter Circle

Location: Home
Date: 2019-05-02/03
Time: 11:15 PM - 1:00 AM ADT
Instrument: Visual + 6" Sky-Watcher Dobsonian with 10 mm eyepiece
Transparency: Good (3)
Seeing: Good (3)
Temperature: 9º C - 3º C

Clear skies, no cloud. No wind but there was the occasional breeze.

Gemini + Castor A/Castor B
Time: Not recorded
Equipment: Telescope 
S&T Chart Reference: 23, 25
Gemini was seen in the western sky with Castor and Pollux easily identifiable. By using the 10 mm eyepiece, I was able to  distinguish between Castor A and Castor B. Castor C was not seen. Quite exciting to see two stars of the sextuplet.

Leo + M44
Time: Not recorded
Equipment: Telescope 
S&T Chart Reference: 24
Leo was visible well above our tree line. I used the imaginary line from Chertan (θ Leonis) to η Leonis, then went the same distance toward Ascellus Australis in Cancer. About 2º from there was the fuzzy M44.

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