Constellations: Cygnus, Scorpius
Asterisms: Coathanger/Collinder 399/Brocchi's Cluster, Teapot
Meteors: 2
Planets: Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Venus (all on the ecliptic)
Messier Objects: M5, M7
Located, Not Observed: Ophiuchus, Serpens Caput
Location: Slapfoot Beach, Kejimkujik National Park, NS Date: 2018-07-31 - 2018-08-01 Time: 9:15 PM - 1:30 AM ADT Equipment: Visual + Binoculars, 10x42 IS Transparency: Very Good (4) Seeing: Very Good (4) Temperature: 25º C - 20º C SQM: 21.46 - 19.63 |
No clouds and only a light breeze across the water. Hubby and I were viewing the 4 planets (Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Venus) because of their alignment on the ecliptic - me visually and with binoculars, him with his camera. It was a quiet calm evening with the planets and Moon providing beautiful reflections in the Lake.
Venus (in Leo) Observation #1 @ 9:24 PM: Observation #2 @ 10:24 PM: |
Mars |
Saturn (in Sagittarius) On this night, Saturn was 3º - 4º above & NW of Kaus Borealis. I couldn't see the rings with the binoculars. Only saw the planet as slightly elongated in the middle latitudes. |
Jupiter (in Libra) Used my binoculars to view Jupiter's moons and its proximity to α Librae, approximately 10º. Could only see 2 of the 4 Galilean moons; I later identified them as Callisto and Ganymede. |
M7 (Ptolemy's Cluster) Noticed a patch of bright light sky just west of Kaus Australis. Used binoculars to identify the cluster. It's a beautiful open cluster, site bright and filled my 6.5º FOV. Seven to eight of the brightest stars looked like they foreman "H" albeit an artistic one. |
Cygnus + Coathanger / Collinder 399 / Brocchi's Cluster Found Deneb then identified Cygnus aka the Northern Cross. Followed the line from Deneb to Sadr to ν to Albireo. Used my binoculars to locate the double star Albireo: I then put down my binoculars for a moment to visually locate Albireo and the possible location of the Coathanger. Put my binoculars up and there it was! All of the stars in the hanger and hook were visible. |
Teapot + Saturn Saturn was 3º - 4º above & NW of Kaus Borealis.
Scorpius All of Scorpius was well above the horizon; theta was at least 10º above the horizon if not a little more. Could see Antares in all of its redness quite well. Could also identify most of the stars in the stinger and all of the stars in the constellation above Antares except nu and rho. Always seem to have difficulty identifying / locating theses two. |
Meteor M5 / NGC 5904 Found M5 after locating Ophiuchus and Serpens Caput. Used the two stars δ Ophiuchus and μ Ophiuchus to find M5. Fairly faint fuzzy, but did see it and more readily using averted vision. |