Comet C2022 E3 (ZTF) - in Auriga
Asterisms: Leaping Minnow, Little Dipper
Stars: Al Kab, Capella, 1 Aur, 2 Aur, ω Aur
HD Stars: 31550
HR Stars: 1573
Moon: 94.8% Waning Gibbous in the SE near Leo
Identified, not Observed & Not entered into Logbook or database:
Location: Home
Date: 2023-02-07
Time: 11:20 PM - 11:40 PM AST
Equipment: Visual, 10x42 IS Binoculars
Temperature: -6° C
SQM: not recorded
Clear skies. I went out this evening with the intent of only viewing the comet. Dave Chapman had posted it was near ω Aur so started the search with my my binoculars, going downwards beginning halfway along the line from Capella to Al Kab. I found a round pale smudge - the comet - above the star that was 1 of 3 forming a curve (HR1573, 2 Aur, 1 Aur). |