Planet: Jupiter
Stars: Enif, δ Equuleus
Messier Objects: M15
Asterism: Square of Pegasus
Identified, not Observed : Equuleus, Pegasus
Location: SCO
Date: 2023-12-16
Time: 6:30 PM -10:00 PM ADT
Equipment: Visual, 10x42 IS Binoculars, SkyWatcher Evostar 80ED
Eyepieces: Antares Plössl 15mm
Transparency: not recorded
Seeing: not recorded
Time | SQM | Temp |
8:25 PM | 20.71 | unknown |
10:00 PM | 21.09 | -3° |
Jerry and I were at SCO with Bob Russell, and Blair McDonald.
Time: 6:51 PM
Equipment: Visual, Binoculars
I located the planet visually then used binoculars to identify and locate the 4 Galilean moons. Found!
Time: 8:00 PM
Equipment: Visual, telescope
Eyepiece: Antares Plössl 15mm
S&T Chart: 74, 75
I located the Square of Pegasus visually then slewed the telescope towards it. I knew the object formed a triangle with Enif (in Pegasus) and δ Equuleus. It was a circular cluster with a compact centre. Its nebulosity extended out the diameter of the dense core.