Comet: 21P/Giacobini-Zinner
Location: Nova East Star Party, Smileys Provincial Park, NS
Date: 2019/08/12-13
Time: 9:30 PM - 12:20 AM EDT
Equipment: Visual + 10x42 IS binoculars
Seeing: not recorded
Transparency: not recorded
First found this with Melody Hamilton and Dave Chapman. Very clear night, dew starting to form. The comet was found two ways:
a) Melody:
Visually found NGC869/NGC 884. With them in my lower binocular FOV, I looked for a "7" laying down on its side, then looked up from the the left side of my FOV at about 10 o'clock. There it was ! Including a slight tail.
b) Dave:
Look at Cassiopeia's star Segin (epsilon Cass). With Segin centred on my FOV, 21P could be found at approximately 8 o'clock.
Win-win! Two ways to find the same location. After I returned home, I identified the four stars in the "7" lying down.