Lunar Phase: Waxing Crescent (37.7%)
Q-Day: -1
Moonset: 1:20 AM Moonrise: 10:53 AM
Sunrise: 5:35 AM Sunset: 8:50 PM
Location: Home
Date: 2020-05-28
Time: 10:46 PM – 11:18 PM
Equipment: 6” Dobsonian, 9.7 mm eyepiece + x2 Barlow
Magnification: x248
Transparency: Very Good (4)
Seeing: Good (3)
Viewed Delambre as part of IWLOP #47: Delambre. The crater appeared to be round, and it looked like there was a sharp edge all around the rim. Terraced in the S-SE rim. Delambre D was seen in the north wall and was observed only as a slight discoloration.
Theon Jr. and Theon Sr. were easily located. Both were round and appeared quite deep.
Rupes Altai was located, and it was noted the most prominent part of the Scarp was SSW of Catharina. It was easily seen as it was well lit by the sun. Tacitus, Kant and Hypatia were in the seemingly less defined northern Scarp.
Craters: Catharina, Delambre
Craters nor on ETM List: Delambre D, Hypatia, Kant, Tacitus, Theon Jr., Theon Sr
Mountains: Rupes Altai