Lunar Phase: First Quarter (55.9%)
Q-Day: 0
First Quarter; 7:28 AM
Moonset: 2:34 AM Moonrise: 12:02 PM
Sunrise: 7:30 AM Sunset: 7:19 PM
Location: Home
Date: 2019-03-14
Time: 7:15 PM – 8:30 PM
Temperature: 4° C to -1° C
Equipment: 6” Dobsonian, 25 mm eyepiece with x2 Barlow
Magnification: x96
Transparency: good (3)
Seeing: good (3)
No noticeable breeze, clear skies with high cloud temporarily around 8 PM.
Saw the Moon during my walk from 2:30 PM – 4:30 PM so decided it would be a good evening for observation. I was also interested in completing one or two items in the IWLOP. I included my rough sketch of “Huggins, Nasireddin & Miller” in my ETM logbook; a detailed sketch is in IWLOP #72. Also observed Saussure, Proctor, Orontius, and Walther but didn’t draw them in detail. I then looked at the area around Mare Vaporum. |
Craters: Archimedes, Aristillus, Autolychus, Eratosthenes
Craters not in ETM List: Bancroft, Huggins, Huggins A, Miller, Miller H & C, Nasireddin, Orontius, Proctor (didn’t sketch but did locate), Saussure, Wallace, Walther
Maria: Imbrium, Palus Putredinis (P), Vaporum
Rimae: Rima Bradley (RB)
Mountains: Mons Bradley (MB), Mons Hadley (H), Mons Hadley Delta (HD), Mons Huygens (A/H), Mons Wolf (W), Montes Apenninus, Montes Ampères (A/H) Luna 2 Landing site: near Autolycus |