Lunar Phase: Waxing Crescent (38.6%)
Q-Day: -1
Moonset: 2:32 AM Moonrise: 11:10 AM
Sunrise: 6:23 AM Sunset: 8:05 PM
Location: Home
Date: 2021-04-19
Time: 7:30 PM – 10:05 PM
Temperature: 12° C - 9° C
SQM: 19.2 at 9:45 PM
Equipment: 10” Meade SCT, 4.7 mm eyepiece with x2 Barlow
Magnification: x1060
Transparency: not recorded
Seeing: not recorded
The Moon was adjacent to Pollux and Castor in Gemini.
Nothing “new” found for this program but did review some features and found others for the IWLOP. It was fun seeing features under a different light from previous observations. The first “re-discovered” features were Vallis Alpes in the Montes Alpes and Cassini to its south. Cassini was viewed quite well, this time with the higher magnification being able to see craters A and B on its floor. |
Next was Purbach with its line of craters that broke its north wall and continued onto its floor. Walther to its south also had an interesting line of craters across its floor.
I then revisited Julius Caesar at 9:18 PM. I had viewed it 2 years ago, but the floor could not be seen well at x250 magnification. This time I used a 4.7 mm eyepiece with a x2 Barlow to obtain x1000 magnification. It was then I noticed that the E and SE walls were in essence non-existent. There was a line of small craters across the east wall from SE-NW. There was a small crater on the NW wall.