Lunar Phase: Waxing Crescent (8.1%)
Q-Day: -5
Moonrise: 8:17 AM Moonset: 11:43 PM
Sunrise: 6:30 AM Sunset: 8:00 PM
Location: Home
Date: 2021-04-15
Time: 8:00 PM – 9:30 PM
Temperature: 2° C
Equipment: 10” Meade SCT, 4.7 mm eyepiece with Moon filter
Magnification: x530
Transparency: not recorded
Seeing: not recorded
No breeze to mention and no clouds to begin this session.
8:10 PM:
The first target was Vallis Rheita, the second last target on the ETM list for me to find. FOUND! It looked like a series of craters running almost straight north south. The crater Rheita was at its north end; Mallet was at the south end. Identified in this area of the lunar surface were:
- Craters: Breila, Hagecius, Mallet, Rheita, Steinheil, Watt, Young. Rosenberger was deep in shadow on the terminator.
- Valley: Vallis Rheita
8:38 PM: Identified in this area were: |
8:50 PM: Lacus Temporis to its south, de la Rue, Strabo and Thales to its north. Identified in this area were: |
(Note: Sketch from |
9:00 PM:
Went more southerly to find Langrenus and Vendelinus plus part of the Mare Fecunditatis. I was able to identify several craters adjacent to these two craters: Atwood, Barkla (I think), Bilharz, Holden, Kapteyn, Lamé, Lohse, Noanubu.
Also had a great view of Mare Crisium and its craters and several other features:
- Craters: Alhazen, Condorcet, Firmicus, Greaves, Hansen, Picard, Pierce, Shapley, Swift, Taruntius, Yerkes
- Dorsa: Dorsum Oppel, Dorsa Harker
- Lacus & Maria: Mare Undarum, Lacus Perseverantiae
- Promontorium: Agarum
Just as John Read suggested in the Moon at Noon, a smiley face appears when you consider Picard and Pierce as eyes and Dorsum Oppel plus the wall of Yerkes as the mouth.
Lacus Perseverantiae came as a surprise! Thought it was just a “space” between Firmicus and the SE of Mare Crisium. Wasn’t until I looked more closely at my lunar map that the area was identified.