Stars: Mizar-Alcor, Vega, ε1 Lyr, ε2 Lyr, δ1 Lyr, δ2 Lyr, ζ1 Lyr, ζ2 Lyr
Asterisms:  Coathanger, Big Dipper
Constellations: Lyra

Location: Home
Date: 2020-11-10
Time: 6:25 PM - 8:00 PM AST
Equipment: 10x42 IS Binoculars
Temperature: 12° C
SQM: not recorded
Transparency: Good (3)
Seeing: Good (3)

No clouds.

Mizar & Alcor (in Big Dipper)
Time: 6:40 PM AST

Equipment: Binoculars
S&T Chart: 32

Located the double star in the handle of the Big Dipper. Here was their orientation to the horizon.


Jupiter (in Sagittarius)
Time: 6:42 PM

Equipment: Binoculars

Ganymede and Europa on one side of the planet with Io and Callisto on
the other. I could not make out the direction of the stripes on the planet.


Coathanger / Brocchi's Cluster
Time: 6:48 PM AST
Equipment: Binoculars
S&T Chart: 64, 65

Located the Coathanger using Albireo in Cygnus as the start point. What puzzled me was the change in orientation.

What I saw was the orientation on the left, not the usual orientation that I see on the right. Time of night or time of year perhaps have a bearing? 


Time: 6:52 PM AST
Equipment: binoculars
S&T Chart: 63

Easily found Vega in Lyra using binoculars. The double-double (ε1 Lyr & ε2 Lyr) as well as δ1 Lyr and δ2 Lyr were also easily located and observed. I was also lucky enough to see ζ1 and ζ2

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