Planet: Jupiter
IWLOP Observations: FLC (unidentified Funny Looking Crater)

Location: Home
Date: 2020-08-27
Time: 9:36 PM - 10:15 PM ADT
Equipment: 10x42 IS Binoculars
Temperature: 17° C
SQM: 19.42
Transparency: Fair to Good
Seeing: Fair to Good

Ganymede, Europa and Callisto relatively close to the planet on one side with Io quite a distance out on the other.

IWLOP Observations: FLC (unidentified Funny Looking Crater)
For some reason, I noted this observation in my compiled log but I have no way of identifying where or what this crater was. It was not identified using Rukl or the S&T lunar maps for the purposes of this observation (drat). Suffice to say, it was just an FLC.

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