This session was devoted to lunar observing. Refer to the star chart in Lunar Session - May 28, 2018 for the location of the Moon on this date.
Lunar Phase: Waxing Gibbous (87.1%)
Q-Day: 4
Moonset: 3:55 AM Moonrise: 4:38 PM
Sunrise: 5:37 AM Sunset: 8:47 PM
Location: Peggy's Cove, NS
Date: 2018-05-25
Time: not recorded
Equipment: Visual + Binoculars 10x42 IS
Transparency: not recorded
Seeing: not recorded
Attempted to view the Moon as it went through Virgo but cloud cover negated that possibility. Refer to the star chart in Lunar Session - May 28, 2018 for its approximate position on this date.