Lunar Phase: Waxing Gibbous (14.7%)
Q-Day: +6

Moonrise: 11:11 AM       Moonset: 9:59 PM
Sunrise: 6:52 AM           Sunset: 7:31 PM

Location: Home
Date: 2018-09-06
Time: 6:20 PM - 7:40 PM
Equipment: Celestron 6" Dobsonian, 10 mm + 25 mm
Magnification: x120 + x48
Transparency: Good (3)

Seeing: Good (3)

Clear skies to start then high thin clouds began to obscure the perfect views of craters. 




Poncelet appeared to have little or no rim on the S and NE. Only a bit of shadow cast on its north and west rims. There was a shadow from a peak.

Because of the angle of viewing, Pascal and Brianchon appeared to be joined. The SW edge was rougher compared to the others and a peak’s shadow was seen in both.


Grimaldi had a high side to the NW causing shadows towards Riccoli. To the SE rim, 3 shadows were cast (peaks?) along the rim.


Going away from the SE rim were 4 very small craters that led me to Sirsalis and Sirsalis A. There was a dark line SE of Sirsalis – Rimae Sirsalis.


In referencing the S&T Moon Map, I realized the bumpy terrain between Grimaldi and Sirsalis was Lacus Aestatis.


Schikard had 2 craters very visible in the SW limb. The NE rim had a rough area between it and Lehmann. Its floor was a little darker than its surroundings.

Wargentin had a crater off-centre that appeared to have a ridge running from rim to rim over or very close to the crater. The rim was more evident on the side of the Moon’s SW limb (not the terminator). To verify the rim, I observed it twice.

Phocylides had a large crater on its S-SW rim and its NE rim.

Nasmyth was barely discernible; its NE rim the only evidence that it was beside Phocylides and Wargentin.

Lacus Excellentiae was seen but couldn’t see Clausius.

Maria: Lacus Aestatis, Lacus Excellentiae, Oceanus Procellarum

Mountains: Vallis Inghirami, Rima Sirsalis

Craters: Cavendish, Fourier, Grimaldi, Henry, Henry Frère, Hevelius, Inghirami, Lacroix, Lehmann, Liebig, Mersenius, Sirsalis, Sirsalis A, Lohrmann, Nasmyth, Phocylides, Schikard, Vieta, Wargentin.

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